About Us

Private Medifema Hospital, which strives to offer the best possible health service to our patients, by using the opportunities of modern medicine, with the strength it has from its experienced and expert staff; The operating room, equipped with high-tech medical devices, aims to provide the comfort of being treated in a safe environment with intensive care units, imaging units, laboratories, comfortable patient rooms, and employees who combine their knowledge and knowledge with close attention. Based on Patient and Employee Safety and Satisfaction, within the framework of the Legislation and Quality Standards in Health, research and education studies are being carried out with the provision of safe, effective, quality health services both in polyclinic services and clinical treatments.

Our Mission

It provides high-quality healthcare services to our patients from all segments of the society, with our international standards, ethical medicine understanding, appropriate economic conditions, new technological equipment and practices, and our specialist physicians and professional healthcare professionals.

Our Vision

We aim to be a model hospital in Turkey and an exemplary organization in the international arena. Our steps towards achieving our goal of being a trustworthy and respected organization are to provide superior quality equal health service to all our patients coming from home and abroad with our experienced team, modern infrastructure and constantly renewed technological applications, and to ensure absolute satisfaction of patients and their relatives.

Our Objectives

  • Working with self-confident, hard-working, educated and self-developed, experienced staff,
  • To continuously improve the service quality while keeping patient satisfaction in the foreground,
  • Working in good relations with the suppliers from whom it provides services,
  • To execute the service it provides on time, systematically, with minimum error,
  • To take necessary measures to evaluate recyclable wastes, to reduce the use of limited natural resources, to prevent pollution due to environmentally hazardous wastes, not to adversely affect living life, and not to pollute the environment,
  • Providing a safe environment that protects its employees, patients and relatives from accidents and dangers that may occur,
  • To take all necessary measures to protect the health of employees and patients,
  • To ensure continuous improvement without compromising the Quality Management Systems standards,
  • It is our hospital values to comply with the laws and regulations that it is responsible for due to its activities.

Basic Values

  • Reliability
  • Fair and equal service
  • Protecting privacy and privacy
  • Respect for human and labor
  • Scientific and rational service
  • Being conscious of teamwork
  • Professionalism and uninterrupted service
  • Being open to innovations