Highly experienced and effective surgeons in their branches came together at Medifema Hospital to serve you.
We, as Medifema Hospital, are always with you alongside our experience and effective team, our most advanced technological infrastructure and our operation in accordance with the determined quality conditions.
Smyrna is the fist destination where the first medical practices were made in the Archaic world. We are here to carry one step further this tradition with help of technology and science.
للحصول على معلومات تفصيلية وتحديد موعد املأ النموذج ، وسوف نتصل بك
جراحة المعدة الأنبوبية تعد جراحة المعدة الأنبوبية واحدة من أكثر العمليات شيوعاً في ظل جراحة السمنة اليوم. يطلق عليه بشكل أساسي جراحة تصغير حجم المعدة ويمكن ان تعر�...
Devamıجراحة تحويل مسار المعدة جراحة تحويل مسار المعدة وهي واحدة من عمليات تعرف بعملية تصغير حجم المعدة التي يتم إجراؤها في نطاق جراحة السمنة. تحتل جراحة تحويل مسار المعد...
Devamıبالون المعدة على الرغم من أن استخدام بالون المعدة لا يعتبر عملية جراحية، فهو بديل للعمليات الجراحية يلجأ اليه الأفراد الذين يعانون من ارتفاع في الوزن ومرض السمنة �...
Devamıجراحة السكري من النوع الثاني يهدف الأفراد المصابين بداء السكري من النوع الثاني القضاء على شكاوى الوزن العالي وشكاوى مرض السكري من خلال جراحة داء السكري من النوع ا�...
DevamıBotox application is a new weight loss method. In an endoscopy, botox (botulinum toxin) is injected into the stomach wall by entering the stomach. By this method, the contraction of the stomach muscles is limited, the gastric emptying time is delayed and the patient loses appetite; thus weight lo...
DevamıThe knee replacement can be expressed that changing the joint surfaces with an implant because the knee joints were damaged for any reason. It replaces depending on the conditions of the patients and it can be applied in the range between 50-80 ages. The joint surfaces are changed with the implant a...
DevamıContrary to total knee prosthesis, only one region of the knee joint changes. It is a surgery that has highly good consequences on selected patient groups. ...
DevamıIn our hip, the femur bone is like a knob and this knob sits in a suitable groove in the pelvis. If the anatomic structure of this joint is disrupted, the patients feel pain in their hip and their quality of life reduces. Generally, the conditions in that hip replacement surgery are performed ...
DevamıThis is a deformity which originated from curvature and soft tissue disorders on the metatarsal (foot bone).In this deformity, the first toe gets above 2nd.toe, and generally, this disease is known as a 'bunion'. Having difficulty with wearing shoes and pain on the side of the foot are...
DevamıScoliosis can be defined as the curvature of the spine. Generally, it is noticed at puberty. There are surgery, exercise and course choices for its treatment. The treatment of scoliosis changes depending on the level of curvature. If the curvature is over 40 degrees, the patient is suggested to have...
DevamıLimb lengthening surgery can be performed for a variety of reasons. Height limb lengthening operations can be performed only for cosmetic reasons and for leg and height inequality. Approximately 9 cm lengthening in each bone is possible, although it varies from patient to patient. There are differen...
DevamıThe shoulder joint is the most joint that is having a connection to the muscle, as a consequence, many muscle ruptures can be seen. Generally, Rotator Cuff Ruptures are noticed with shoulder impingement syndrome. The solution can be found for shoulder issues through arthroscopic methods. ...
DevamıThe ankle joints can be replaced with both joint surfaces due to deformations of their surfaces related to any reason. Previously, freezing (arthrodesis) was applied to severely deformed joints. After this procedure, the movements of the ankle joint would be prevented. However, technological develop...
DevamıGenerally, elbow prosthesis surgery is applied for patients who couldn’t have fractures repaired after a fracture or couldn’t move their elbows as they used to after it was healed. The most used prosthesis is the elbow prosthesis after the hip, knee and shoulder. The aim is to provide a ...
DevamıThe stem cells that are increasable and refresh themselves, can be obtained from many regions. When they are given tissues that cannot refresh themselves, the chance of healing is high. The stem cell can apply to almost all the joints of the body in diseases related to orthopaedic. As well as applie...
DevamıThe anterior cruciate ligament is one of the ligaments which provides the stability. When this ligament does not exist, the patients have complaints like taking a step in the gap or pain. Today, the ligament can be taken from another region of the body and placed in the anterior cruciate ligament. I...
DevamıAneurysm surgery, also called traditional open surgery, is a treatment for aortic aneurysms. An aortic aneurysm damages your aorta and causes life-threatening complications. The main purpose of open surgery is to prevent an aneurysm rupture or dissection. It can also repair damage after su...
DevamıA carotid endarterectomy removes plaque (fat and cholesterol) buildup from inside your carotid artery, improving blood flow to your brain. This can help prevent another stroke in someone who’s already had one. Even with treatment, you’ll still need to improve your diet, start exercising ...
DevamıCoronary artery bypass grafting is a surgery that restores blood flow to areas of your heart that aren’t getting enough blood while you are having an heart attack or coronary heart disease with and without symptoms.This surgery can improve your heart function and how you feel, especially when ...
DevamıHeart valve surgery repairs or replaces a valve with stenoses, insufficiency or both. Heart valves are like doors that supposed to open fully or close tightly to store blood in heart chambers and direct blood flow to lungs and body. Mitral and tricuspid valves close when heart contracted, and ...
DevamıAn abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is widening of this vessel, especially to a balloon-like shape. This is a potentially life-threatening condition, because it has risk for rupturing (breaking open) and causing a hemorrhage (severe bleeding). Abdominal aorta is located below diaphragm and it e...
DevamıPeripheral arterial disease (PAD), also known as peripheral vascular disease or peripheral artery disease, is plaque (made of fat, cholesterol and other substances) that forms gradually inside your artery walls slowly narrows your extremity arteries. This plaque is also known as atheroscl...
DevamıSclerotherapy is a treatment method used for spider veins and varicose veins that appear superficially, usually in the legs. Before the treatment starts, a local anaesthetic cream can be used to minimize the needle entry and the burning that may occur during the injection. The medicines that a...
DevamıVenous insufficiency is a condition that progresses clinically from superficial vascular enlargement to swelling and wound opening in the leg with the enlargement that occurs due to the deterioration of the valve structures in the vessels carrying blood to the heart, and the resulting increase in bl...
DevamıThe conditions like nerve deficiency in the vessels that provide erection in the penis or the conditions like curvature in the penis and conditions that cause constant pain, or psychogenic issues cause erection in the penis. Following the installation of urethral sonda under spinal anaesthesia, with...
DevamıThe malign or benign growth in the prostate gland causes difficulty in urine. For this reason, the complaints like frequently urinate at day and night time, a decrease in urinating duress, a split urine system, the feeling of the bladder is not emptied, and burning in urination can be seen. These co...
DevamıIn the vessels that collect the venous, either for hereditary or acquired reasons, the valve system prevents the backflow of blood was disrupted. As a consequence, the venous blood in this vena is backflow and varicocele ( the enlargement in testes) is seen. Although it is necessary to increase the ...
DevamıIn this treatment, which is applied for the treatment of kidney stones larger than 2 cm, the patient is placed in the supine or prone position and the kidney is entered with a Shiba needle. The stones seen by entering the kidney with an optical device called a nephroscope can be broken by using lase...
DevamıIn this method, which is used in the treatment of kidney stones of 2 cm and smaller, a thin instrument (flexible ureterorenoscopy) with a length of 70 cm, with a light source, and imaged with a fibre optic system is used. The stones are broken by using laser power sources by entering the kidney thro...
Devamıعلاج الزرع تعتبر عملية زراعة الأسنان من عمليات الزرع في الطب الحديث . يتم اللجوء لعملية زرع الاسنان من قِبل المرضى لتحسين النطق والمضغ. يعد زرع السن المصنوع هو الأن...
Devamıعلاج القشور الخزفيه للأسنان يتم تطبيق علاج القشور الخزفية عن طريق وضع طبقات الخزف على الأسنان بعد حفر خفيف على الجزء الأمامي من الأسنان. كما أن القشور الخزفية المس...
Devamıتصميم الأبتسامة تصميم الأبتسامة هو عبارة عن مجموعة تطبيقات تجميلية إمتلاك ابتسامة أكثر جمالية. ، هناك العديد من الأمراض المختلفة التي تؤثر على صحة الإنسان نتيجة ل...
Devamıتبيض الأسنان تبييض الأسنان هي طريقة يتم تطبيقها في نطاق صحة الفم والأسنان لاستعادة المظهر الجمالي القديم للأسنان ، نتيجة لتغير لونها بعد فترة طويلة . قد تفقد الأسن...
Devamıزراعة الشعر زراعة الشعر التجميلية تعد واحدة من عمليات الزراعة. يتم اللجوء اليها كحل لاستعادة الشعر المفقود واسترجاع جمالية الشعر . يمكن أن يحدث تساقط الشعر لأسباب ...
Devamıزراعة اللحية عملية زراعة اللحية هي عبارة عن إجراء تجميلي للرجال للتغلب على المشاكل في منطقة الذقن . فبعض الذكور ييكون لديهم مشاكل في نمو اللحية لعدة أسباب منها خل...
Devamıزراعة الحاجب زراعة الحاجب , هو إجراء تجميلي يلجأ اليه الأشخاص ذو المظهر الغير مرغوب فيه بمنطقة الحاجب. على الرغم من ظهوره في غالب الأوقات عند الإناث ، قد يحتاج ...